Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Mush-Room?

About two weeks ago - I looked out the window and saw this AWESOME little - well BIG, mushroom ... so why are they called mush-rooms anyways? So I HAD to show Benjamin because he had never really seen one before -and definitely not THIS big!

So as you will see he had to explore every bit of it! He LOVED how soft it was and kept saying, "it's soft mommy." I kept agreeing. He even tried to re-plant it ... I had to tell him that it's kind of like a flower, once you pick it ... it's picked! Oh the fun summer brings!


Bastianclan said...

Awee I love this picutre. So cute. What a crazy Mushroom.

Stephanie said...

That is really cool. My kids are totally fascinated by mushrooms, and they just keep growing in our yard! Those are really cute pictures! Thanks for sharing!