Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A sunBEAM a sunBEAM!

Benjamin is OFFICIALLY a sunBEAM in primary ... unfortunately - church is at 1:00 pm - right when he usually naps! He has melted the past two weeks... but LOVES his teacher, Sis. Seng and his class!
I am the new primary pianist ... so I've gotten to enjoy him from a distance ... and even though he's not singing YET - he is learning the songs as he has been singing them at home!


Jessica said...

So cute! Bridger is a sunbeam now too, only he sings SunBEEP! It's hilarious. We have 1:00 church again now too and it is no fun...how does Micah do with that?

Miss you!

Jennifer Sharpe said...

Your boys are so adorable! Our church starts at one too. During both of my girls naps. The first week in nursery one of the girls feel asleep during class. I like the mornings so much better!

Jennifer Sharpe said...

Your boys are so adorable! Our church starts at one too. During both of my girls naps. The first week in nursery one of the girls feel asleep during class. I like the mornings so much better!

Kristine said...

You have a calling now! Love it. And of course you couldn't stay away from primary too long. :) 1:00 church would be hard. Ours is at 2:00, which actually allows Brady to take a nap so I can't complain. Missed you at the shower today. We'll need to get together for an early lunch one of these preschool days... things are crazy here until the last few days of January. But maybe sometime after? Hope to see you soon!